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Packing Tips Travel Guides

Packing Light: How I Travel for Months at a Time With a Small Suitcase or Backpack

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Packing light for a long trip might seem like a gargantuan challenge for some. But paying for excess baggage rates, hauling around large suitcases that weigh a ton, and bringing more than you actually need can be easily avoidable travel mistakes.

When I travel, I prefer packing light. And I am typically on the go for a few weeks to a few months at a time. When people around the world see the small size of my bag and realize how long I am traveling for their reaction is always the same: “How the *** are you able to travel for so long with that little suitcase!?”

Well I am here to share with you what I do when I pack for a trip:

First, Know How Long You’ll Be Gone

This will determine the size of your suitcase or bag. If you are traveling for a week or two, you can definitely use a carry-on sized bag and maybe a small backpack. Or if you are planning a trip that will be a month or so, I would recommend a medium sized suitcase.

I try and avoid bringing large suitcases on my trips because the luggage itself tends to be heavier, meaning what you can pack in it is limited. If you have a large bag that weighs about 20 lbs (9.07 kg) empty, that means you can only pack about 30 lbs (13.6 kg) worth of stuff. Then you also have to worry about excess weight and extra fees if you end up packing too much.

I also have a travel backpack from Osprey that I LOVE. I’ll typically switch between a small or medium suitcase and this Osprey Backpack which has many compartments to hold a lot of things.

My Rules For When I Pack

When packing light, I will typically bring my lightest clothing options, clothes that I can easily mix and match, and clothing that can be layered. I usually bring 6-9 pairs of socks and underwear, 3-6 tops, 2-3 skirts/shorts, a pair of leggings, one pair of pants, a light or warm jacket (depending on where I am going), and maybe one dress.

I never bring more than 3 pairs of shoes. Always bring a pair of comfortable walking sneakers that you can wear on the plane and won’t give you issues later on in your trip. I also like to bring a pair of sandals that I can easily slip on and wear in warmer places. I will also bring a cute pair of wedges that I can wear on a cute day or on a night on the town.

If you are bringing heavier items, layer them and wear them on your travel days. When I talk about layering, I will wear my leggings, pants, 2 tops, my jacket(s), two pairs of socks and my heaviest shoes on travel days. While this may not work for everyone, just try and layer as much as you can by wearing your heaviest items, leaving your suitcase lighter and easier to transport.

Always Leave Some Extra Space

It’s important to leave some extra room in your bag for any shopping needs. Many people indulge in souvenirs and will need the extra room in their suitcase to bring them home. If you like to shop and want to bring your friends and family some trinkets, make sure your suitcase has the room for it.

This also means leaving room for some cute clothes you might come across on your travels, leading me to my next tip:

Buy Clothes While Traveling

I love to look for new clothes when I travel. I have bought two white dresses in Greece, a pretty red dress and a woven jacket in Mexico, a sun hat in Guatemala, and winter apparel in Milan. Chances are, while you’re traveling, you’ll realize you forgot an item or need something you didn’t pack. This is nothing to stress about! Luckily with that extra room in your suitcase, you can easily purchase apparel on your travels.

If you happen to find yourself in a different climate than what you originally packed for, then you can easily go shopping for some proper clothes. This happened to me when my summer in Europe extended into the colder fall months and I had to buy warmer clothes in Milan (I know, poor me).

All in all, buying clothes while traveling is an amazing way to take home a piece of the local culture and it will be a talking point when you wear it at home!

Think Practical & Don’t Pack “Just In Case”

This is the most important tip that I can offer when it comes to packing. You really need to think practically, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style!

Instead of bringing those cute heels that you’ll only wear once, or that dress that looks amazing but is soooooo uncomfortable, opt to bring clothes and shoes that are cute, comfortable AND practical. While hairdryers might be a necessity to some, remember that many hotels offer free ones and that they tend to take up a lot more room in your suitcase than you think.

Additionally, don’t bring something “just in case”. If you absolutely need it, bring it, but if you are unsure that you will 100% use or wear it, then leave it behind.

Do Laundry on the Go

I wouldn’t be able to pack the way I do without this tip. When I book a place to stay, a factor I look at is in-unit laundry or distance to the nearest laundromat. I actually love laundromats. All over the world, I have dropped off my laundry, went about my day for a few hours, then came back to pick up my cleaned and folded laundry. Once a hotel in Guatemala did our laundry for free when we asked! And trust me, it is cheaper to go to a laundromat every other week or so than to pay those excess baggage fees.

Sometimes for my lighter loads, I bought this travel laundry soap on Amazon to do some quick sink laundry, and then just let the clothes air dry while I go out for the day.

Always remember when packing that you know yourself best. Take all the time you need to really decide what to bring on your trip. Don’t let the idea of packing light scare you, it might seem constrictive at first and that’s okay! As long as you take these tips into consideration, I have no doubt you’ll be packing light for all your future trips.

About the Author: I’m Alayna, originally from Orange County, California and now traveling the globe. After being bitten by the travel bug in 2021 during my first trip to Greece, I decided to completely alter the course of my life. For so long, I was under the belief that I had to go to college, get a good job, earn enough money, save up for practical things like a house and car, and then maybe travel if I found the time. Well, taking a spontaneous trip on my own terms made me realize there is no right way and wrong way to live life, and I am choosing to do something with mine I only thought was possible in my dreams: travel the world. It is my hope that through my stories I can inspire more people to take that same, life-changing trip to the place of their dreams!

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