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A little bit about Alayna Abroad…

Welcome to my blog! 

I’m Alayna and obviously I love to travel! If you also:

      – Constantly daydream about your next adventure abroad

      – Are looking for helpful travel advice for women

      – Are interested in learning budget travel tips and tricks

      – Need help planning your next trip

…. Then I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I’m here to provide women with invaluable insight and advice when it comes to traveling. I started out primarily writing for my friends and family as a way to keep in contact with many people at once and to just let everyone know where I was in the world. 

And you being here means you’ve now joined the circle! I couldn’t be more excited to have you follow my journey. If you want to learn more about what sparked my love of travel, I invite you to read more below! If you’re ready to start planning your next trip then you can explore some of my blogs to get started!

Learn more about my journey
Let’s plan your next trip together

Follow me on my adventures